Summary: | 本研究旨在探討桃園縣國民中學校長之情緒管理與學校效能現況及二者之間的關係,主要採用問卷調查法並以分層比例叢集取樣方式,抽取全縣55個國中之教師585人為樣本對所屬學校校長之情緒管理與學校效能進行調查研究。計回收問卷543份,有效問卷521份。
在研究工具方面,包括「基本資料」、「國民中學校長情緒管理調查問卷」、「國民中學學校效能調查問卷」等三部份。研究資料採用t考驗(t test)、單音子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)、皮爾遜(Pearson)積差相關、多元逐步回歸分析(multiple stepwise regression analysis)等統計方法,並獲致以下結論:
關鍵字:國民中學校長 情緒管理 學校效能
The research is conducted with a view to taking a close look at the contemporary situation between principals’ emotional management and school effectiveness and, furthermore, to exploring the relationship between the two factors. The research methods are based on the questionnaire survey via stratified sampling and cluster sampling. 585 copies of the research questionnaire are distributed to the selected teachers in all the 55 schools in Taoyuan County. Out of the 585 research questionnaires, 543 copies are retrieved and 521 copies are valid.
In terms of research tools, the questionnaire designed includes the following three parts: Personal data, Questionnaire on Principals’ Emotional Management in Junior High School and Questionnaire on School Effectiveness of Junior High School. T-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, and multiple stepwise regression analysis are main statistical approaches. The following 8 conclusions have been obtained:
1. The perception of junior high school teachers in principals’ abilities of emotional management is intermediate-level.
2. The perception of junior high school teachers in school effectiveness is fair.
3. There is no noticeable difference for the perception of junior high school teachers in principals’ abilities of emotional management when variations are addressed to “gender, age, and the number of years teaching.”
4. There is a significant difference for the perceptions of junior high school teachers in principals’ abilities of emotional management due to different “educational background and positions.”
5. There is no obvious difference for principals’ emotional management when variations are addressed to “gender, age, school size, and school location.”
6. There is an obviously diversity for principals’ emotional management due to principals’ different “educational background and working years”
7. A positive correlation between principals’ emotional management and school efficiency is found in Tao-Yuan Junior High Schools.
8. School effectiveness can be best predicted by the principal’s ability of “emotions adjustment.”
According to the results of the study, some suggestions are offered to junior high school principals, educational authorities, and future researchers.
Key Terms: Junior high school principals , Emotional management, School effectiveness