Summary: | 在越來越重視幼兒學齡前英語教育的社會中,全美語沉浸式教學,成為父母期待子女學好英語的選擇,然而人們對全美語沉浸式教學,有正反兩極端的意見,本研究探討參加過全美語沉浸式教學之國小學童在國小英語的學習態度,以期能對全美語沉浸式教學的影響有所暸解,並對幼兒英語學習有所助益。
1. 參加過全美語沉浸式幼稚園之國小學童比未參加過的學童,在國小英語的學習上顯示較多的學習信心。
2. 參加過全美語沉浸式幼稚園之國小學童比未參加過的學童,在國小英語的學習上顯示較高的學習興趣。
3. 參加過全美語沉浸式幼稚園之國小學童比未參加過的學童,在國小英語的學習上顯示較強的學習信念。
=== English immersion preschools, the choices for parents who expect their children to learn English well, exist in our society that values early English education. However, there are studies for and also against immersion learning. This study aims to investigate the English learning attitude of the primary school students who have attended English immersion preschools. The study is suggested to reveal the effect of the English immersion preschools in order to provide better English education for young learners in the future.
This study employed questionnaires and interviews for the sixth graders and their parents of P primary school in Taoyuan. Two self-reported questionnaires respectively for 266 sixth graders (13 English immersion learners and 253 non-English immersion learners) and 220 parents (12 parents of English immersion learners and 208 parents of non-English immersion learners) were analyzed by four statistical methods: descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, LSD post hoc analysis, and Pearson correlation. Moreover, in-depth interviews were conducted for 26 learners (13 English immersion learners and 13 non-English immersion learners) and 10 parents (5 parents of English immersion learners and 5 parents of non-English immersion learners), which offered further information indicating learners’ English learning attitude. The results of the findings are summarized as follows.
First, English immersion learners demonstrated more confidence than non-English immersion learners toward English learning in the primary school.
Second, English immersion learners display more interest than non-English immersion learners toward English learning in the primary school.
Third, English immersion learners hold stronger belief than non-English immersion learners toward English learning in the primary school.
The results of this study also revealed that parents of the English immersion learners indicated more confidence, interest, and belief than parents of non-English immersion learners toward their children’s English learning in the primary school. The results are consistent with those of the learners.