Summary: | 台灣合成皮工業,可追溯至1950年代中期石化工業創建,所生產之PVC塑膠皮,直至1969年永豐化工自日本引進之PU合成皮製造技術,廣泛將PU合成皮產品運用於衣、住、行、娛樂等民生消費用品上,PU合成皮產業於台灣發展已有三十年以上的歷史。
=== The industry of synthetic leather in Taiwan could trace back to the middle of 1950s which initiated from the PVC production at Taiwan’s new established petrochemistry industry until the Yoong Feng Chemistry Inc has introduced from Japan the technic of PU production in 1969 which has more extensively utilized the PU leather to the usage at garment, household, transportation, and entertainment, etc. In fact, the development of PU leather industry in Taiwan has been undertaking for more than 30 years.
PU leather industry is highly related to the petrochemistry industry, its product is so called the material for the downstream to carry out for the consumer’s usage. It is also inseparable between the industry of synthetic leather and shoe manufacturing. Moreover, during the 1990s, Taiwan has achieved the industry of synthetic leather world’s No. 1 in terms of production volume. Therefore, from the time, Taiwan has wined the name as “Kingdom of Shoes” or “Kingdom of Synthetic Leather”.
The low entry level of PU leather industry with its high product substitution has inevitably caused high competition in current market. Moreover, in the past 10 years, the mainland China and Southeast Asia with its technic transplanted from Taiwan has also became the major provider in the world of PU product with more competitive cost. As a result, the next move for PU industry in Taiwan has came into an agenda which focus on the innovation of manufacturing and product itself in order to enhance the competitive strength from the market selection.
In Taiwan, due to the recession of PU industry, more and more manufacturers have been enforced to remove overseas for cost down or backward for more value addition. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is trying to probe into the research by case study (as at PONY Leather Corp) of Taiwan’s PU industry. From the past, it studies the possible future through the strategies of brand-name, marketing passage, and consumer approach, etc.
Key Words: Synthetic Leather, Competition Strategy, Brand, Pony Leather.