Summary: | 本片紀錄一位在青年歌仔戲演員-陳囿任(CHEN YU-JEN)對表演藝術的熱愛與堅持。陳囿任出生於台灣歌仔戲起源地-宜蘭縣員山鄉,並就讀於台灣唯一以正規教育培養歌仔戲人才之科系-國立台灣戲曲專科學校歌仔戲科(現國立台灣戲曲學院),目前為該學院歌仔戲學系一年級學生。
=== This documentary and director’s report present the enthusiasm on performing arts of a young actor, Chen Yu-Jen. Chen was born in Yuan Shan Village, Yi Lan County – the origin of Taiwanese opera, and who has been studying Taiwanese Opera in a traditional opera school for ten years.
This documentary shows the dream of Chen to become a performer with omnibearing development, and the tough process of his training. It also tells the story of his family, school life and his performance activities other than the Taiwanese opera. The documentary is 60 minutes in length, and is recorded in DVCAM format.
The director’s report demonstrates the production background of the documentary, records the details and process of the production and screening, and reveals the director’s interpretation and self-examination to the film.