Summary: | 面對世界的全球化、多角化、多樣少量的客製化企業經營趨勢與衝擊,中華郵政雖採取改制轉型的策略,希望再造百年績業。但自郵政公司成立後,目前定位不僅是行政官署,依然肩負政策性的任務外,更強調顧客導向之經營理念及企業化的永續經營,並以追求合理利潤,發展事業為目標,故為兼俱服務、營運及支援國家財政需求之事業體。如何透過範疇經濟與資源共享,將人力充分利用,據點遍及全國城鄉離島各地,保持服務之無遠弗屆,以強化普及服務的政策性任務,也是改制後努力的願景與方向。又國營事業如何兼顧營利與服務並行不悖,充分表現其自我特色?是本研究關注之焦點,故「績效評估」絕非僅於營利財物面評估,更需擴大為組織學習、顧客服務、內部流程、普及服務等多面向才能建構完整的永續經營模式。
=== With the trend and impact of globalization, diversification, and various customizations in low quantity, Chung Hwa Post (CHP) has adjusted its management strategies to make shift in the hope that it can keep on sustainable business. Since CHP was established, it not only has positioned itself as a government agency responsible for completing policy assignments but also has run its business with the principle of customer orientation and the perception of sustainable management. And its overall goals are to pursue reasonable profits and to expand prosperous business. Therefore, it is a corporation combining service, commerce and supporter of nation’s finance. After CHP makes reforms, it aims to make the best use of manpower to intensify nationwide policy services extending to the outlying islands for making sure of service popularity through the ways of economies of scope and resource sharing. Now, CHP is making efforts to complete this vision. Besides, the study also concerns how to make state-owned-firm have distinguishing features with gaining profits and offering services under the pressure of competitive market. Consequently, a performance evaluation not only reviews profits, but also assets organization learning, customer service etc. To establish a completed managerial module of sustainable development, all the above factors should be taken into consideration when making evaluations.
With the methods of document research and deep interview, this study focuses on the business operation by CHP. It starts with setting a vision and goals for CHP, considering the exterior conditions, investigating the present management condition, checking the challenges and difficulties, confirming all the resources inside and outside the company and its competitive advantages. Then, it further adapts the approach of quality systematization and analysis, and finally makes a simultaneous comparison of difference among postal delivery, savings, and insurance services etc. As to the time period researched in this study, the writer compares the differences of the management conditions between pre-corporatization and post-corporationization stages from New Year’s Day in 1993. Due to the ever-changing markets and increasing difficulties in running businesses, CHP adapts the balanced scorecard instead of the former management style focusing on the financial direction. Hence, the implementation results of five new strategies such as enterprise-style management, business diversification, capital-operation effectiveness, diversified services, and reasonable manpower distribution will be examined and discussed. Meanwhile the comparison between the two stages can help CHP develop more prosperous vision. Furthermore, the possibility of privatization-of state-owned-firm is evaluated from deeper and broader aspects.
As requested, all the interview outlines, including different fields such as customers, organization learning, interior business processes, finance, vision, privatization, remote districts service, are designed in terms of different class of people ranging from government, the Post decision-making, the Post business performance, relevant institution, and customer level. Through complete and exact organization and analysis for all the data from the interviewees, the writer will offer useful evidence to help determine whether or not privatization is effective for use in CHP.
Evaluation is a useful and effective measurement to know the past and the future. Whether the performance evaluation index is valid relation to the influence over a corporation. This study uses the tools of balanced scorecard to make strategy maps focusing on the relation to customers, which can be for the authorities and top director’s references. Finally, the research results will offer some suggestions to further postal reforms.