Summary: | 旅遊風氣在台灣日盛且趨於普遍,且是重要的消費活動現象。台灣的旅遊活動支出在2001年已經高達5780億元,休閒渡假風氣日漸普及。而過去的旅遊觀光研究多以行銷、或是觀光景點的規劃為主要目的,以社會學角度進行研究者在國外雖已有所累積,在中文世界裡仍屬少數。因此,本論文以社會學中階層品味區分的角度探討台灣的旅遊活動,針對2001年交通部觀光局所做的「國人旅遊狀況調查」進行量化分析的二手資料研究,並輔以歷史資料的縱貫面分析。透過上述材料,討論不同階層間的旅遊活動品味差異,以及旅遊發展過程中的階層化過程。
=== More and more people in Taiwan spend lots of time going traveling and tourism gradually becomes one of the most important consumption activities. In 2001, total fee of citizens’ traveling expenses was 5780 hundred millions Taiwan dollars. The fact shows that tourism is an influential social phenomenon and we should understand it as deliberately as possible. Actually, lots of researches about tourism in the perspective of sociology have been published in the world but there is few in Taiwan. Therefore, this thesis takes a sociological approach that adopts the theory of hierarchy and distinction of taste. This research used the quantitative analysis with the sample data collected by Tourism Bureau in 2001 and the qualitative analysis with historical data.
This study describes the process of stratified and stratifying differentiation of tourism in Taiwan. Four types of tourism , urban tourism、cultural tourism、scenic tourism and deep scenic tourism are found in the data through factor analysis. The data demonstrated that cultural capital, not economical capital effects people choosing types of tourism in the regression model. The difference of cultural capital in this thesis represents the difference between age、educational capital and occupation of people. Consequently, the choice of the type of tourism is not only a casual or random choice, but a choice with the stratification of the society. Finally, this research examined the theory about taste and sociology of tourism to combine with the results of quantitative and qualitative analysis.