Summary: | 本研究旨在探討從上下文推論字義教學應用在高職英文字彙教學之效益。
=== The purpose of this study is to explore two instructional methods on vocational high school students: word meanings inferred from context and word meanings learned from translation. To reach the research goal, the study assumes the quasi-experimental method, which includes the pretest and the posttest.
The duration of this experimental teaching program is twelve weeks. A total of 80 sophomores coming from 2 classes at a vocational high school in northern Taiwan are involved in the study. One class is assigned as the experimental group, and the other one the control group. For further comparison, each group is divided into two proficiency subgroups, high and low, based on their English achievement scores in the last academic year. The experimental group receives “word meaning inferred from context” training while the control group is instructed in the traditional vocabulary teaching method.
Oxford’s Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) and Nation’s Vocabulary Levels Test (VLT) are selected as the test items in both the pretest and the posttest. Data for analysis are collected from two sources. One is the subjects’ scores on SILL and VLT, word-inferring test and words-in-context test, and the other comes from the questionnaire regarding the experimental group’s feedbacks and reflections on vocabulary learning through inferring. The collected data are analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, means, standard deviation, and t-test.
The conclusions of the study are summarized as follows:
1. All the subjects make a little improvement after the experiment except the low achievers in the control group. The low achievers in the experimental group improve significantly in performance on language learning strategies.
2. Both the experimental group and the control group show certain progress in VLT. However, only the high achievers in the experimental group perform significantly better.
3. There exists a positive correlation between the subjects’ performance in word-inferring test and words-in-context test for the experimental group.
4. There is a significant difference in words-in-context test score between the low achievers in the experimental and those in the control group.
5. According to the responses of the experimental group, adverbs cause the heaviest learning burden, followed by adjectives, verbs, and nouns.
6. There is a fairly general agreement that the experimental group shows appreciation of the instruction.
Further pedagogical implications and suggestions for future studies are provided at the end of the study.