
本文旨在透過克里姆林宮政治研究途徑,來探討俄羅斯總統普欽對媒體政策之走向。本文認為普欽的媒體改革,為其鞏固政權的一環。 本文認為,1990年代俄羅斯媒體帝國崛起的主要驅動因素,乃是葉里欽企圖藉助於金融寡頭及其所掌控的媒體,以掃除蘇聯遺留下來的保守勢力,從而鞏固其政權;而普欽任內致力解構媒體帝國的主要驅動因素,則是普欽企圖以打擊經濟犯罪為名,打擊金融寡頭,藉以收攬人心,並從而解構葉里欽遺留下來的 「家族」集團勢力,建立以國家安全團隊為主幹的執政團隊,鞏固其政權基礎。 因此,本文認為: 一˙府會之爭導致「震盪療法」改革迅速失敗,繼之而起的執政團隊推動以大型企業為主軸的民營化改革導致金融...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: 王嘉宏
Published: 國立政治大學
Online Access:http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/cdrfb3/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&i=sid=%22G0089263009%22.
Summary:本文旨在透過克里姆林宮政治研究途徑,來探討俄羅斯總統普欽對媒體政策之走向。本文認為普欽的媒體改革,為其鞏固政權的一環。 本文認為,1990年代俄羅斯媒體帝國崛起的主要驅動因素,乃是葉里欽企圖藉助於金融寡頭及其所掌控的媒體,以掃除蘇聯遺留下來的保守勢力,從而鞏固其政權;而普欽任內致力解構媒體帝國的主要驅動因素,則是普欽企圖以打擊經濟犯罪為名,打擊金融寡頭,藉以收攬人心,並從而解構葉里欽遺留下來的 「家族」集團勢力,建立以國家安全團隊為主幹的執政團隊,鞏固其政權基礎。 因此,本文認為: 一˙府會之爭導致「震盪療法」改革迅速失敗,繼之而起的執政團隊推動以大型企業為主軸的民營化改革導致金融工業集團應運而生。而官僚派系掠奪國家資產以擴張政治版圖,導致金融寡頭坐大進而建立媒體帝國。葉里欽為了鞏固政權競選連任與金融寡頭建立聯盟進而收編媒體帝國。 二˙普欽於2000年當選總統後,藉由剷除金融寡頭來收回國家資產以收攬人心;藉由剷除金融寡頭以鏟除葉里欽人馬所憑藉的權力堡壘;藉由剷除金融寡頭以接收媒體帝國從而鞏固政權。 === The main purpose of this study is to explore, through the Kremlin politics approach, the orientation of Russia’s policy on media under Vladimir Putin. In this study, the author argues that Putin’s media reforms constitute an indispensable link for the consolidation of his power. It is hypothesized in this study that the driving forces behind the rise and fall of Russia’s media empire are the efforts by Boris Yel’tsin and Vladimir Putin to consolidate their power respectively. Allying with the financial-industrial oligarchs, who had controlled Russian mess media, Yel’tsin strove for wiping out the conservative forces left by the Soviet regime in order to consolidate his power. On the contrary, Putin has sought to wipe out the oligarchs and restructure the media empire, in order to rally the popular support, to wipe out the “Family” forces left by Yel’tsin’s regime and replace them with a new ruling command of national security elite, and, consequently, to consolidate his own power. The above-mentioned hypothesized proposition can be further developed into the following logically consequential sub-propositions: First of all, in the wake of the “shock therapy” ruined by the conflict between the parliament and the Kremlin, the following privatization reforms orienting on the creation of big enterprises gave rise to the creation of financial-industrial groups. Consequently, the corruption committed by bureaucrats who preyed upon state-owned enterprises led to the expansion of oligarchs’ strength so as to establish influential enormous media empire. Thereafter, aiming at consolidating his power and winning the coming presidential election, Yel’tsin formed an alliance with the financial oligarchs and thus put the newly-established media empire on his orbit. Secondly, after Putin was elected president in 2000, he strove for wiping out the financial oligarchs in order to accomplish the following three tasks: to renationalize the state properties in order to rally popular support; to wipe out Yeltsin’s power base; and, to take over and restructure media empire in order to consolidate his regime. Key words: Kremlin politics approach, Oligarchy, Putin, Russia’s media