Summary: | 伊斯蘭世界的婦女問題在當代學術研究中佔有相當重要地位,其中一個因素乃西方的研究者不滿伊斯蘭世界對待女性的方式。自十三世紀以降,伊斯蘭世界在西方人的眼中一直是一個象徵神秘的境域,也是西方國家亟欲瞭解的地區。西方人對伊斯蘭世界探討之目的多半是希望對其進行思想與宗教文化上的侵略。穆斯林婦女蒙著面紗的景像總是不斷出現在旅行者的日記、記錄之中,而西方研究者對這些地區進行的調查亦呈現如此一般的印像,並將之視為伊斯蘭壓迫女性的例證。然而,事實是否確實如此?從其他角度觀之,伊斯蘭所欲呈現的面貌與其真實性似乎與過去西方學者所理解的面向有出入。西方思想脈絡下女性主義思想之興起與發展,或許為人類數千年來的兩性關係提供反省、思考之新方式,但是人類亦為此一思想潮流付出不少代價。性別研究的概念固然根源於西方文化的價值觀,也就是「人權」(human rights)的觀點,但是「人權」的觀點卻是人類對父權社會(Patriarchy)體制思想的一種反省。「平等」(equality)與「平權」(公平的權利,equity)並不完全相等同,女性主義者(feminists)追求的是一個「平等」的社會制度,強調的是站在相同起點的兩性觀,而伊斯蘭強調的是一種「平權」的兩性觀,主張男性與女性在此世有其各司之職務,兩性地位並不會因為此一職務性質上做作高低的區分,而導致不對等的情況出現。因此,我們可以說,這兩者之間明顯存在著本質上的差異。
=== The Studies of Woman in Islam is a very important part of the Islamic researches since the 15th century, whatever of the Occident or the Orient world. The major theme of the former concerned about the emancipation of women from every dimension of human life, such as workplace, rights to elections, and rights to education, etc. However, of the later, it is different from the former one; scholars of Islam primarily discussed not only the emancipation from some kind of limitation or discrimination but also the status and value both of male and female in the Islamic Ummah.
Islam, emerged and established in the 7th century by the Prophet Muhammad, has already developed an institutional and systematic understanding of the humane world. During the one thousand and five hundred years, Islam has also merged many kinds of thoughts from different cultures into its own world. Therefore, while we start to discuss the problems of women in Islamic world, we have to take a look at the whole history of Islam first, then, we could hold a proper and just attitude to the woman in Islam.
My thesis is concerning about the images and descriptions of Muslim Women, which were represented in the Quran, the most sacred book in Islam, and the Hadith, the sayings and behaviors of the Prophet Muhammad, recorded and edited by the Companions of the Prophet and some other religious experts after the death of Muhammad. Most important of all, I attempt to figure out what is the most initial and primordial concept of woman in Islam, and, the way how it is explained, and the process of transition and transformation of these concepts. In addition, I also examine several sorts of schools of thoughts concerning the Muslim women and Islam, including the Islamic traditionists, and modernists. Meanwhile, I juxtapose these two different sides of thought of woman and Islam, and try to give a much clearer picture of this scene between what we called conflict and convergence, whatever of peacefully or militantly. Through this mutual influence between the Quran, Hadith, Islamic traditionists and Islamic modernists, we could understand better the relationships of woman and Islam, or Islam and religion, or religion and woman, etc. Finally, I also try to point out the possibly real problems of woman issues encountered nowadays within the Islamic world.