Summary: | 首創直銷模式的戴爾電腦,創立18年來,每年的營業額皆有50%以上的成長。即使在2000個人電腦PC市場在萎縮的情況下,戴爾依舊交出亮麗的成績單。2001事件之後,所有主要電腦大廠的在下降的情況下,戴爾視唯一一家市佔率成長的電腦廠商,依2001IDC公布的數字,戴爾在全球市佔達13%,為全球第一電腦大廠,也是美國第一電腦大廠。
=== Dell direct model has created 50% growth yoy for the past 18 years since its establishment. In the year of 2001, especially after September 11, all computer manufacturers market share has shrunk and Dell is the only company with growth. According to IDC, the market share of Dell computer is 13.5% in the year of 2001, Dell is the global as well as the States leader.
The dissertation mainly focuses on Dell's successful model which is defined in this report as direct selling, virtual organization and supply chain management. Especially in 1996, Dell's three strategic dimension evolves along this year with booming internet usage.
This report is analyzed from Dell's business scope, core resources and business network before and after the internet age. Dell's cost advantage is consistent at the two stages, and the difference is Dell's sales mainly rely on phone and email before the internet application and nearly 50% of sales revenue is from internet after the internet age. The direct approach to Dell's profitability has the following important implication:
1. Dell's business scope: Dell's product line leans toward to enterprise application after the internet age, e.g. server, workstation and storage. If we analyze Dell's revenue drivers in recent years, we will find enterprise application weights important portion in Dell's product mix. Dell's activity focuses on composition and customer service after the internet taking off.
2. Dell's core resources: Dell is granted lots of intellectual property rights in its business model. Dell's IPR is the key competitive advantage for strategic alliance, furthermore, Dell establishes absolute entry barrier to keep other computer manufacturers copy its business model.
3. Dell's business network: Not only Dell has more members in the network, the cooperation with other industries is even more important for Dell in the age of internet. The aim of the cooperation with other parties in different industry is to expand its business network and to fUrther acquire the key components and key technology.