Summary: | Using the recent theory of noncommutative motives, we compute the additive invariants of orbifolds (equipped with a sheaf of Azumaya algebras) using solely "fixed-point data". As a consequence, we recover, in a unified and conceptual way, the original results of Vistoli concerning algebraic K-theory, of Baranovsky concerning cyclic homology, of the second author and Polishchuk concerning Hochschild homology, and of Baranovsky and Petrov, and Cǎldǎraru and Arinkin (unpublished), concerning twisted Hochschild homology; in the case of topological Hochschild homology and periodic topological cyclic homology, the aforementioned computation is new in the literature. As an application, we verify Grothendieck's standard conjectures of type C+ and D, as well as Voevodsky's smash-nilpotence conjecture, in the case of "low-dimensional" orbifolds. Finally, we establish a result of independent interest concerning nilpotency in the Grothendieck ring of an orbifold. Keywords: orbifold; algebraic K-theory; cyclic homology; topological Hochschild homology; Azumaya algebra; standard conjectures; noncommutative algebraic geometry