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|a Social network is a social structure consisting of individuals or organizations that each has its own profile and keeping in touch with each other globally. It is grown in popularity since the existence of social network Facebook. Due to the increasingly widespread use, the crime rate coming from the same Facebook also increased. Based on the cases that have occurred, most prey consists of several ages. Therefore, a research project of Information Security Awareness Towards Consumers and Related Safe Practice of Social Networking Facebook Users is conducted to help produce guidelines on the safety of consumers on Facebook to increase awareness of information security that affect the safety of consumers. The report said the problems that arise about the safety features that can lead to criminal information, is the information on Facebook conform to quality and extent of information security awareness of information security can affect the safety of Facebook users. It is implemented by analyzing the results of literature review and case studies. This project involves only social network Facebook, the characteristics of information security and covers only a few Facebook users in age ranging from the lecturers, staff and students of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), SMK Seri Putri (SMKSP) and SMK Tun Fatimah (SMKTF).