Summary: | The aim of this study was to determine whether perceived intensity of training moderates the physical activity-health, physical activity-fitness, and fitness-health relationships. The participants (N=237) from eight different companies were assessed for participation in physical activity, cardiovascular fitness and health. Fasting blood samples, resting heart rate and blood pressure, as well as body composition measurements were taken. The YMCA three-stage cycle ergometer test was conducted and the ACSM (2010) metabolic and multi-stage equations were utilised to calculate functional capacity in METs. Physical activity was measured with two questionnaires (Sharkey index and Baecke questionnaire), that allows for comparison of relative intensity of training with absolute physical activity scores. ANCOVA and Stepwise Multiple Regression analyses were used to assess the relationships of perceived intensity of training and functional capacity with various measures of health. Perceived intensity of training had marginally moderating effects on physical activity-health (F=1.135; Eta2=1.7% versus F=0.228; Eta2=0.4%) and the physical activity-fitness (F=8.5; Eta2=8.5% versus F=2.35; Eta2=2.5%) relationships. Cardiovascular fitness (MET) contributed 9.5% (p=0.002) to the variance of a composite health score in comparison to the non-significant (p=0.470,) 1.2% contribution of intensity of training. Psychological health predicts physical health with 7.1% accuracy (odds ratio = 0.929) while the odds of being in the good physical health increased by 44.7% (odds ratio = 1.447) with 1 unit increase in cardiovascular capacity.