Summary: | The aim of this paper is to explore culture as a dynamic system affected by various factors.
It looks at the political and environmental factors that influence the development of the town of Ruse
at the beginning of the 20 the century. It also seeks to find out how the dynamics of the political situation
in the Balkans and the extreme influence of the river Danube acted on the town and its population. The
analysis is based on the exploration of cultural variability according to the views of Kluckhohn and
Strodbeck, Edward Hall and Geert Hofstede and states the extent to which the ethnic groups living on
the territory of the town of Ruse in the reviewed period illustrate them. Theoretical clarification of
cultural variability and practical research of how it is addressed in the material and spiritual context has
been made. The findings from this analysis illustrate that the ethnic communities in Ruse during that
period combine the contemporary concepts of multiculturalism and the variance of values traced in a
diachronic aspect. The research results also reveal that the local community of Ruse and its contacts
with other cultural communities are based on established attitudes of tolerance and sustainability and
continuity of values that can be given as a good example in a time of growing multiculturalism and
globalization, both in Europe and worldwide. It can initiate a further discussion concerning notions as
multiculturalism and cultural variability on the territory of the Danube region in the period of transition
and democracy.