Summary: | Recent data on photoproduction of η′ mesons off protons have been included in the data base for the Bonn–Gatchina partial wave analysis. The real and imaginary parts of the S-wave η′p→η′p scattering amplitude in the threshold region were fit to yield the η′p scattering length and the interaction range. This new analysis found |aη′p|=(0.403±0.015±0.060) fm and a phase ϕ=(87±2)∘, while the range parameter is not well-constrained. The striking behavior of the GRAAL data on the beam asymmetry in the threshold region suggests that a narrow proton-η′ resonance might exist. However, the scattering length was found to be relatively insensitive to the possible existence of this narrow resonance. Keywords: Baryon spectroscopy, Meson photoproduction, Polarization observables