Summary: | South-South dynamic migrations offer the opportunity to some impoverished countries to
establish a Diaspora outside their territorial bases in the perspective to address the issues raised by
this phenomenon of extreme poverty from abroad. First of all, it is noteworthy that the volume of
South-South dynamic migrations rises to more than 61 million people, versus 62 million people in the
South-North dynamic migrations. In other words, this increased propensity to mobility, which
represents almost one billion people, nowadays concerns parts of the world that face extreme poverty
respectively. The analysis of South-South dynamic migrations will focus our attention on one aspect
of globalization that studies and expertise tend to avoid by focusing only on trading, goods and capital
services. Apart from these various elements that contribute to globalization, it is necessary to include
international migration to make the analysis more comprehensive. To paraphrase the words of the
analyst Bruno Hérault, there is a new trend emerging in the context of the occurring exchanges
between the two countries. However, according to the authors of the report posted by the UNDP in
2009, migration flows can be understood as a major vector for human development. In this regard, the
report in question requires States to remove barriers in order to promote human development and
allow human mobility.