Summary: | The author Iris STAHLKE asks in this publication of her dissertation if role-playing can be used as a method in qualitative social research and if it can add new aspects to qualitative social psychological research. The background of this work was a research and advanced vocational training project in which STAHLKE was active from 1993 to 1996. The aim of the advanced vocational training "Krisensituation in Straßenbahnen und Bussen" (Crises in Trams and Buses), in which tram and bus drivers took part, was to enable them to develop better skills in handling crisis situations. For this training the method of role-playing was chosen. She supports her result with theoretical explanations of role concepts, different methods of plays and detailed examples from her practical work with drivers. STAHLKE found that this method was especially useful in representing the subjective experiences of individuals and groups. With the use of the evaluation method of subject focussed interaction unconscious and group dynamic processes can be found and systematically represented. STAHLKE offers the conclusion that role-playing can enter into the field of qualitative research methods.
URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs020348