Summary: | No abstract available. Article truncated after first page. History of Present Illness: The patient is a 52 year-old woman with prior renal transplant in 1998 due to complications of pre-eclampsia. She had a recent decline in renal function leading to re-transplant on June 23 of this year. She was admitted to the hospital on July 8th with ventricular tachycardia. Treatment with amiodarone was begun with no further ventriuclar tachycardia. She is also taking usual anti-rejection medications. Past Medical History, Social History and Family History: Other than the renal transplantation she has no other significant past medical history and has never smoked. Family history is noncontributory. Physical Examination: Physical examination was unremarkable other than the surgical wounds associated with her renal transplants. Radiography: Her chest x-ray is shown in Figure 1. What should be done at this time? 1. Discontinue the amiodarone; 2. Empiric antibiotics; 3. Plasma brain naturetic peptide (BNP); 4. 1 and 3; 5. All of the above ...