Summary: | Aim. The cross-cultural comparison of the relationships between intelligence and other components of intellectual-personal potential (Big Five traits and tolerance of uncertainty) in Russian and American students. Methodology. The ICAR (International Cognitive Ability Resource) test was used, as well as Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI), and Bunder’s Questionnaire. The intercorrelations between these measures in two student samples - Russian (n = 364) and American (n = 209) were compared. Results. Tolerance of uncertainty showed positive correlations with openness to experience in both student samples; in the American sample it correlates positively with fluid intelligence. Intolerance of uncertainty showed negative correlation with openness to experience and positive correlation with conscientiousness in the Russian sample. In the American sample intolerance of uncertainty negatively correlated with accord. In the Russian sample accord correlates negatively with verbal intelligence. Research implications. The findings contribute to the knowledge on cross-cultural similarities and differences between the American and Russian students on the relationships between intelligence, personality traits, and attitudes towards uncertainty.