Summary: | Übersetzung des Aufsatzes "Interrelation of Knowledge, Meaning, Mind, and Information: The Semognostic Approach", erschienen in Informacijos Mokslai 2002, Vol. 21, p. 59-69 Knowledge, mind, and information are studied within a relatively new domain of science known as the cognitive science. Traditional cognitive science describes mind from the point of view of computation. This approach, however, is strongly criticized now. A different approach is considered in this paper. It is not a computational one within the traditional connotation of the term. Explanation starts by bringing forward the fact that the meaning of information is ignored in the traditional idea of computation. In this paper, meaning is taken as one of the two basic ideas to account for the mind. Knowledge is taken as the second elementary idea. Meaning and knowledge are considered as measurable quantitative values in space and time. Both elements are considered as being interrelated, being the two sides of one complex phenomenon of meaning-knowledge. Such approach to meaning, knowledge and intelligence is denoted by a neologism "semognostic" (from Greek "semantic" - "of meaning", and "gnostic" - "of knowledge"). The field theory is considered to model semognostic phenomena. Further, it is claimed that various intellectual phenomena may be accounted for using the semognostic approach. The semognostic theory should be considered as a hypothesis that still needs to be proved. Some facts already known in various directions of science related to cognition may be employed for that purpose.