Summary: | In the world of information, library is a special place. The specificity of this place is the reason why it fulfils such a significant role. Library is a place, where access to information is regarded as the most important goal and value, which defines its very meaning. At the same time, it faces many challenges, such as the challenge of the ecology of information, by becoming the ecology of information itself. The subject matter of the article is library treated as a special place of sharing ecological information in an ecological manner (including the information from its collection), offering on the basis of its collection (and not just that) simultaneously ecological library service as a way to meet the various needs of the users. The presented vision of academic library references the concept from the end of the 20th century, by two American women, Boni A. Nardi and Vicki L.O’Day. The author not only intends to present this, particularly today current concept, but above all creatively develop it, going towards the direction of ecological management of libraries.