Summary: | This text presents the outcomes of the Portuguese participation in the first
survey of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) which
took place in 2000, in 32 countries, 28 of them members of OECD. The target
population comprised 15 years old students who had to face written tasks
concerning reading literacy, mathematical literacy and scientific literacy, being
reading literacy the major assessment domain. In PISA, reading literacy was
defined as the ability of each individual to understand, using and reflecting on
written texts, in order to achieve ones goals, to develop ones knowledge and
potential, and to actively participate in society. PISA outcomes allow the
following conclusions: i) Portuguese students had a modest average
performance; ii) there are differences among the profiles of the students in the
high levels and those of the low levels of literacy; iii) there are also differences
among the profiles of the families of these two groups; iv) Portuguese students
performed better when the text is a narrative; on the contrary, their
performance is poor when the texts to be read belong to the dramatic genre or
are long informative ones; it is even poorer when interpretation required
accurate identification and location of information in the text; v) there isnt a
strong correlation between students results in Portuguese and PISA