Summary: | Also known as "The Little Schönbrun" the city’s park is designed in English style and was inaugurated in 1864 spreading on about 18 ha. The main alleys are oriented towards the cardinals and inter-cardinals making a regular wind rose. The park comprises a large variety of both vernacular and exotic arbors, amongst them, the two Ginko biloba are the most spectacular. In the past, this park was considered to be one of Europe’s pearls as it was designed in the same style that was fashionable in the Habsburgic Empire. In the inventory of the wooden species from the Central park of Gherla there were identified a number of 53 species that belong to 28 bothanical families. The ecological analysis of the species showed that 39% are mezophytes, 57% are micromezotherms and 34 % are neutrophyls. As for the soil reaction, 34 % of the species are neutrophils, the acid-neutrophyls have registered a percentage of 28%. 15 % of the species are amfitolerant. The processing of the bioforms indicator has revealed the highest percentage in the megaphanerophytes (72%) while 26% represents the microphanerophytes. The nanophanerophytes species represent 4%.