Summary: | At Milagro state University, with the guarantee and support of the authorities and being the main component of the linking programming with the community of the Academic Unit of Distance, Continuing Education and Post degree, was carried out as part of a worldwide initiative called "B ar Camp Milagro 2009". This event was organizedjointly with the community Iguana Valley a national nonprofit organization with the experience in the organization of BarCamps in other cities of the Country. This worldwide activity constitute a series of working
days of open and participant descoriferences concerning technology, social networks and iriformation society. Milagro
is the fourth largest city nationwide that joined the technology community in the country and abroad, in which users with a little ora lot of knowledge in the technical - computing, they could learn and share ideas, concepts and experiences under a principie of collaborative participation among the des conferencistas and present at no cost. The simultaneous desconferences working days were very well received with great satisfaction as we could observefrom the show 's opening to closing time, the three rooms were full of present willing to learn and share ideas, knowledges and potencial ventures, under a collaborative framework uninterested, with the only goal to contribute that our Community of Milagro participa te of contents of technological nature.