Summary: | A young woman with Takayasu arteritis and complex renal artery stenosis in a solitary functional kidney underwent an ex vivo revascularization with autologous saphenous vein graft and renal autotransplantation. Before surgery, she had resistant hypertension and recurrent episodes of acute kidney injury. Two years later, her blood pressure is 123/77 mm Hg, and there have been no acute kidney injury episodes. Computed tomography scan demonstrates no abnormal thickening of the graft despite proximal progression of disease to involve the superior mesenteric artery. As Takayasu arteritis is a progressive disease, use of autologous vein graft, which is unlikely to become involved, is of paramount importance. Keywords: Takayasu arteritis, Complex renal artery stenosis, Surgical revascularization, Autotransplantation