Summary: | Objective: Evidence of the importance of archives in an open government ecosystem, which supports monitoring citizens’ informational demands.
Method: A documentary analysis and an on-site visit were used to determine the state of the art and the current context, in order to find the elements that allow. A theoretical framework will be developed in a first stage that would allude to the Open Government and its respective components and the way it runs in Mexico. As a second paragraph, the prevailing factors will be predominantly in a democratic ecosystem. A third segment considers the current situation of archival in Mexico today. A fourth section will set out the situation in which the State of Quintana Roo is immersed in an open government environment and finally the significance of the archives in the Open Government will be addressed.
Results: The importance, value and transcendence of the archive was identified in an open government ecosystem that has developed in the State of Quintana Roo, which has promoted joint programs and actions between the State General Archive and the Institute for Access to the Information and Protection of Personal Data of Quintana Roo, to validate the right of access to information.
Conclusions: The archives are the basis of open government in such a way that, through these, the actions that the rulers undertake and that commonly affect or benefit the community can be evidenced. The information embedded in the documents, in addition to being the original source, serves as a basis for undertaking collective actions that provide solutions from the citizen to the citizen based on the principle of maximum publicity, transparency and economy in democratic processes.