Summary: | Unconventional emergencies can lead to unforeseen disastrous penalties. Due to their unrepeatable, complex, and unpredictable nature, it is generally hard to establish high-quality Emergency Response Plans (ERPs) for unconventional emergencies, thus posing great challenges for unconventional emergency response. This work proposes a rapid ERP generation approach for unconventional emergencies so as to provide support for emergency decision-making. The generation of ERPs is achieved by exploitation of existing ERPs that contain much emergency response experience. First, a number of ERPs are collected and structurally organized to construct an ERP repository. Then, the applicability of each ERP segment in the repository to a given unconventional emergency is evaluated by a proposed ERP similarity measure and emergency scenario matching mechanism, in which the semantic relevance and the scenario consistency of an ERP segment are taken into account, respectively. Applicable ERP segments are obtained for each section of ERPs, and combined to form a new ERP with the guidance of pre-defined ERP structure. Furthermore, we design an ERP assessment method and perform a case study on the proposed approach which presents encouraging experimental results.