Summary: | Nicola Luigi Bragazzi School of Public Health, Department of Health Sciences (DISSAL), Genoa, Italy Abstract: Salvatore Iaconesi was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor. He decided to share his clinical records not only with doctors but with everybody who wishes to find him a cure. “Because cure is not unique,” he emphasizes “there are cures for the body and cures for the soul, and everyone, from a painter to a musician, can find me a cure. Please, feel free to take my clinical history for example and let it become a game, a video, a music, a picture, whatever you like.” The emblematic hallmark of the changing times, Salvatore Iaconesi’s case is an example of how many profound revolutions and steps medicine has undertaken during the past few centuries. Stemming from a form of remote medical paternalism and arriving at the concept of a therapeutic alliance, medicine nowadays faces challenges and opportunities at a level before unforeseeable and unimaginable. The new concept of P6 medicine (personalized, predictive, preventive, participatory, psychocognitive, and public) is discussed, together with its profound implications. Keywords: cancer, narrative medicine, paternalistic medicine, P4 medicine, P5 medicine