Summary: | In this study, two stage and triple pass erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) is designed and EDFA’s input signal wavelengths and powers, erbium doped fiber (EDF) lengths, and pump laser powers are optimized. In the scope of this study, 4 different fiber type (I6, I25, M5, M12) is used, for every fiber type the optimizations are performed between the wavelengths 1530 nm – 1570
nm. From the first EDF in design, first and the only pass is done; over the second EDF second and third passes achieved by using a reflector. In this way, a two stage and three pass structure are formed. As a result of optimizations, 1555 nm for M5 and 1560 nm wavelenghts for the other fiber types are attained as optimum values. In the 1480 nm pump laser wavelengths, for I6, I25,
M5, and M12 fiber types 54.9, 54.3, 53.3, and 54.7 dB maximum gain and 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, and 3.3 dB minimum noise figure values is obtained, respectively.