Summary: | A 58-year-old woman presented with progressive midforehead swelling and erythema with frontal headache. Investigations revealed erosion of the anterior wall of the frontal sinus with subgaleal abscess formation, establishing a diagnosis of Pott’s puffy tumour. Pasteurella multocida was isolated in pure growth from an aspirate of the abscess. P multocida is a rare cause of sinusitis. It is isolated from the respiratory tract of asymptomatic individuals and, more commonly, patients with chronic respiratory conditions. Although a cause of osteomyelitis associated with animal bites or scratches, P multocida has not previously been implicated as a cause of frontal osteomyelitis or Pott’s puffy tumour. A review of reported cases of Pott’s puffy tumour, including clinical presentation, microbiology, treatment and outcome, is provided.