Summary: | Thermo-mineral waters have been attracting great attention in the world and in Republicof Macedonia lately, not only as a curative factor but also as an energy source. Thermo-mineralwaters on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia are used for health-balneological purposes,and part of these since recently has been used in greenhouse economy.Diatomic flora of the thermo-mineral waters in Macedonia is relatively poorly studied.Having in mind that the structure of diatomic flora of Katlanovska Banja has not been studiedenough, and especially knowing that during the last two decades the taxonomy of diatoms hasconsiderably changed, research of the diatomic flora of Katlanovska Banja has been started.Furthermore, these habitats are characterized by specific ecological conditions, which enable thedevelopment of characteristic diatomic micro-flora that is specialized for high temperatures(thermophilic species) and high content of salt (halophilic species).The results of this research for the first time mention the presence of the genus Nitzchia in thethermal waters of Katlanovska Banja, not only as present, but also as dominant taxa. The discoveryof the genus Navicymbula with the species N. pusilla is also very significant, because it was notknown for the flora of the Republic of Macedonia.