Summary: | The importance of a tourism policy and the extent of delivery cannot be underscored if tourism is
considered as a driver of economic development. Its linkage to mainstream activities as listed under
the Eden Integrated Development Plan as mandated by the national Constitution sets out the focus on
tourism policy. How it is conceptualised by decision-makers has a significant effect on management
and ultimately policy development and delivery. The low status of understanding tourism is reflected
in the level of engagement which refers to the manner in which decisions are taken. Tourism,
because of the low budget allocation and the lack of clarity about its nature and interests, is currently
labelled as the Cinderella of service delivery. This study is significant to establish the challenges facing
developmental local government in the Eden District in South Africa with a comparative analysis of
their engagement in tourism development. It identifies areas of excellence as well as these areas
requiring further consideration. It also provides a clearer understanding of where the issues, priorities
and opportunities are located for Local Government in relation to tourism. The study followed a
quantitative research technique and questionnaires were used to gather primary data from the
selected leader town municipalities in the Eden District Municipality. The results of the study showed
that there is a general absence of proper management of tourism within the selected local