Summary: | In the frame of EU-funded DESCRAMBLE project, the Venelle 2 well was deepened down to 2900 m b.g.l. to test novel drilling techniques, and to improve the knowledge of physical-chemical conditions of super-hot horizons in the Larderello geothermal field, Central Italy. The major seismic reflectors present in the area were the target of the drilling, to verify their potential as geothermal reservoirs of supercritical fluids. No significant fluid entries were observed during the operations. Noble gases were analysed in the emerging drilling fluids to determine whether deep-seated fluids with a different signature than those currently discharged by productive wells entered the borehole. Despite the predominant atmospheric signature of the noble gas suite, 3He/4He values up to 1.59 Ra were measured, and the contribution of a deep component with ~4 Ra was hypothesised by extrapolation of binary mixing trends.