Summary: | The open-source software (SP-Wax) for the solid–liquid equilibrium (SLE) calculation of paraffin is presented. Paraffin modeling is important to many industries and engineering applications. SP-Wax provides reliable predictions for phase behavior of paraffinic solutions, which is crucial for petroleum industry. The Coutinho et al. thermodynamic model was primarily used and coded in SP-Wax. The developed simulation was validated by experimental data of binary and multicomponent systems. Solid-phase compositions were successfully estimated, and aging process of wax deposition problem was analyzed. Within the software, core calculations were coded in C++ and OpenMP parallel programming technique was incorporated to improve the performance. A C# Windows Forms user interface was created to ensure the reusability of the software for both technical and non-technical users. Keywords: Thermodynamics, Paraffin, Solid–liquid equilibria, Wax deposition