Summary: | This self-reflective and critical-analytical contribution was on invitation prepared for the "Fostering Biblical Scholarship Worldwide: The Teaching and Mentorship Program of the
International Cooperation Initiative" panel session of the Society of Biblical Literature / European Association for Biblical Studies conference, 31 July - 3 Augustus 2018, in Helsinki, Finland. In the first section, a brief philosophical orientation is offered in favour of a humanistoriented rather than a business-minded understanding of tertiary education. The six forms of theological distance education in which the author had been involved professionally over a career of some 23 years, are listed, after which the practicalities of the author’s participation in said “Teaching and Mentorship Program” is described. As specifically requested in the
invitation to contribute to this international panel session of the conference, practical insights from this participation are listed in conclusion, in order to facilitate further such cooperation
efforts by members of this and other academic societies. To this end, upon publication, members of this and similar academic societies will be referred to this contribution by the Society of Biblical Literature as a resource on which to draw, both intellectually and in preparation for similar practical international theological cooperation activities.