Summary: | (Series Information) European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration, 2021 6(1), 29-44 | European Forum Insight of 29 March 2021 | (Table of Contents) I. La decisione della CGUE nel caso JE c KF. - II. I Fatti e la questione controversa. - III. L'interpretazione della Corte: la legge italiana, applicabile in forza del Regolamento, non può essere disapplicata solo perché pone condizioni di divorzio più onerose di quanto prescritto dalla lex fori rumena... - IV. ... Ma come fare se l'ordinamento del foro non conosce l'istituto della separazione? La soluzione proposta dalla Corte e dal suo Avvocato Generale. - V. Critica dell'applicazione della legge italiana depurata dagli elementi "ignoti" all'ordinamento del Foro. - VI. L'anomalia italiana: conclusioni. | (Abstract) EU Member States have different understanding as to divorce and separation proceedings. While some States only have divorce and do not know separation proceedings, others will consider both proceedings as alternative remedies in matrimonial claims. Italy is the only MS where a legal separation proceeding is a necessary precondition to file a divorce application. When a proceeding in matrimonial matters is governed by the Italian law, as made applicable by the Rome III EU Regulation, but the claim is brought in a forum that has no knowledge of separation, delicate PIL issues arise. Such an issue was referred for preliminary ruling to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), the case JE v KF (case C-249/19 JE (Law applicable to divorce) ECLI:EU:C:2020:570). The Insight critically assesses the decision given by the Court, suggesting that the attempt to provide for a practical solution is in fact inconsistent with the aim of the Regulation to provide certainty in the applicable law.