Summary: | In 1992, Francisco Magaña published his third book of poems Calendas, laMirada, under the collection “El ala de tigre” of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Nostalgia for a past time is suggested from the titleand is reinforced by the opening epigraph, which belongs to the Persian mysticalpoet Jalal al-Din Rumi: “Estuvimos en el cielo, éramos amigos / de losángeles; Padre, déjanos / regresar allí, pues ésa es nuestra / tierra”. In thisbook, there are many intertexts and hypertexts referring to typical themes ofSufism. The call to contemplation, the relation between music and dance, theimages of samá, childhood and love as a path of union with the divine aresome of the more recurrent topics in this book, in which the Tabascan poet, rather than participating in a sufi mystical experience, amazed, writes abouthis discovery of this tradition.