Summary: | Objective – PRP obtaining for the treatment of degenerative-dystrophic changes of the musculoskeletal system, assessment of pain dynamics in the treatment of myofascial diseases and osteoarthrosis.
Methods. Estimation the number of platelets in the enriched autoplasma, using two basic enrichment methods. Comparison of enrichment coefficients. Pain assessment on a visual analog scale during the course.
Results. The initial number of platelets in 154 samples of autologous blood were estimated. The number of platelets in PRP, obtained with one-stage and two-stage methods were estimated. The enrichment coefficients for one-stage and two-stage method were compared. Pain assessment using a visual analog scale was performed in 154 patients at the time of the first, fifth and tenth week after beginning of PRP course.
Conclusions: In the comparison group, the average number of platelets in the autoplasm is less (872.7 × 109/l) than in the main group (1149.3 × 109/l). The difference is statistically significant. Analgesic effect is more pronounced in the main group, and by the fifth and seventh week after the beginning of the course the differences are statistically significant.