Summary: | Introduction: Arterial tree alteration is the cornerstone of diabetes complications and its mechanical parameters are impaired.
Objective: Which are aortic pulse wave velocity determinants in a diabetic population?
Methods: We studied 132 diabetic patients. They entered the day hospital to have a cardiovascular checkup. We measured brachial and central blood pressure, augmentation index, and pulse wave velocity (PWV). They also had extended biochemical tests.
Results: Among those 132 patients, 8% had type 1 diabetes and 92% had type 2 diabetes. Mean period of diabetes was 13 years. Treatments combined insulin (47%), biguanids (54%), acarbose (10%), sulfamids (31%), thiazolidinediones (11%), with 25 patients (19%) having both insulin and oral drugs. We compared patients with and without insulin, measured their PWV, and adjusted it to standard factors (age, gender, MAP, sex), but also to 3 time-related diabetes criteria (short term : plasma glucose; middle term : HbA1c; long term : insulin treatment).
Antihypertensive drugs such as ACEI also contribute to the model (−1.02; p=0.0398).
Conclusion: Insulin treatment is the most powerful diabetes-related parameter accepted in this PWV model.
Oral hypoglycemiant drugs, HbA1C, plasma glucose do not contribute to the PWV model.
RAAS blockade drugs contribute to the PWV model.
Diabetes control quality over the time when coming to the point of having insulin as a treatment is an independent factor of arterial wall rigidification.