The Importance of a Business Plan when Planning a Lexicographical Project Die belangrikheid van 'n sakeplan wanneer 'n leksikografiese projek beplan word

<p>This paper deals with the importance of a business plan when planning a lexicographical project. A business plan is an aspect of a lexicographical process most lexicographers would like to ignore. It is, however, an important step towards the establishment of a dictionary project. T...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Mariëtta Alberts
Format: Article
Published: Woordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal-WAT 2012-09-01
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Summary:&lt;p&gt;This paper deals with the importance of a business plan when planning a lexicographical project. A business plan is an aspect of a lexicographical process most lexicographers would like to ignore. It is, however, an important step towards the establishment of a dictionary project. The compilation of a dictionary is a time-consuming process and a costly business, and proper planning is of the utmost importance, whether a dictionary project is undertaken by an individual or by a team of lexicographers. Therefore a business plan is the ideal tool for proper planning before embarking on a lexicographical project. It also gives stakeholders an indication of the scope of the envisaged lexicographical project. Financiers require a business plan to authorise the financing of a project, and this also applies to a lexicographical project. This paper deals with the importance of and reasons for a business plan. It also covers aspects such as drawing up a business plan as well as its contextual requirements.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;lt;b&amp;gt;Keywords:&amp;lt;/b&amp;gt; action plan; business plan; collaborators; critical success factor; empirical survey; end user; financier; goal; human resources; key service; key uncertainty; knowledge transfer; lexicographical practice; lexicography unit; mission; needs assessment; objective; opportunity; organisational structure; risk; situation analysis; stakeholder; strategy; vision&lt;/p&gt;<br>&lt;p&gt;Hierdie artikel handel oor die belangrikheid van 'n sakeplan by die beplanning van 'n leksikografieprojek. 'n Sakeplan is 'n aspek van die leksikografieproses wat liefs deur die meeste leksikograwe geïgnoreer sou wou word. Dit is egter 'n belangrike stap in die totstandbrenging van 'n leksikografieprojek. Die saamstel van 'n woordeboek is 'n tydrowende proses en duur saak en behoorlike beplanning is van die uiterste belang of die woordeboekprojek deur 'n individu of deur 'n span leksikograwe aangepak word. Derhalwe is 'n sakeplan 'n uitstekende hulpmiddel om behoorlike beplanning te doen voordat daar met 'n leksikografieprojek begin word. Dit gee aan belanghebbendes 'n aanduiding van die omvang van die beoogde leksikografiese projek. Finansiers vereis 'n sakeplan om die finansiering van 'n projek goed te keur en dit geld ook vir 'n leksikografieprojek. Hierdie artikel handel oor die waarde van en rede vir 'n sakeplan. Dit dek ook aspekte soos die opstel van 'n sakeplan, sowel as die inhoudelike vereistes daarvan.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&amp;lt;b&amp;gt;Sleutelwoorde:&amp;lt;/b&amp;gt; aksieplan; behoeftebepaling; belanghebbende; doel; doelwit; eindgebruiker; empiriese ondersoek; finansier; geleentheid; inligtingoordrag; kritieke suksesfaktor; leksikografie-eenheid; leksikografiepraktyk; medewerkers; menslike hulpbron; missie; organisasiestruktuur; risiko; sakeplan; situasieanalise; sleuteldiens; sleutelveranderlike; strategie; visie&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt; &lt;/p&gt;