Summary: | An important condition for increasing the livestock production efficiency and production of livestock products and
reducing their cost is full-value feeding, the provision to the farm animals complete multicomponent feed mixtures.
Such mixtures are much better digested by the livestock which contributes to a 10-14% increase in their production
efficiency. Numerous studies have revealed that it is most practical to feed large cattle with full-value feed mixtures
prepared immediately before dispensing, which is not always possible in the production conditions. This especially
applies to regions where the winter is a so-called housing season for the livestock. It is extremely difficult to provide
the farm animals with a full-fledged diet during that period. To avoid feed-related problems, it is necessary to create
a preliminary stock of fodder with sufficiently preserved nutrients.
In the Amur Region, multicomponent silage, haylage, and different mixed feeds are used for the full-value feeding of
the livestock. At the same time, the delivery of silage and haylage in low-temperature conditions is both laborintensive and energy-intensive, since the air temperature in this period is about -25...35°C. During the transportation
of these kinds of fodder, high losses are observed due to their thawing before feeding. In accordance with the above,
it can be concluded that in order to provide animals with full-value feed, it is necessary to use technologies that allow
maximum preservation of nutritional properties of feed and ensure its long-term storage. One of the methods that
contribute to the solution of this problem is adaptive drying of feed, which results in the preservation of the maximum
amount of nutrients in their contents and the reduction in labor input required to transport the mixtures to the place
of feeding during the cold winter period.
The aim of the research is to increase the efficiency of preparation of livestock complete feed by developing the
technology and means of mechanization for long-term storage.
To solve this aim the following research tasks were defined:
- to analyze advanced technologies and technical means for the production of feed for large cattle by reference to
specific features of the food base and the natural production conditions of the Amur Region.
- to justify prospective lines of development of existing ones and develop the new technical means for the preparation
of feed and agricultural crops for long-term storage.
The article in hand describes the prospective processing line for the proper preparation of the full-value feed for longterm storage which ensures the preservation of nutrients.