Summary: | We provide a checklist of the amphibians and reptiles of Río Macho Biological Station (RMBS), Costa Rica. During a period of a year (2012–2013) we conducted visual and acoustic surveys in a natural mature forest plot (>50 years old) (MF), secondary forest plot (~17 years old) (SF), in open areas and riparian forest at RMBS. We found a total of 11 species of amphibians and 15 species of reptiles belonging to 11 taxonomic families. We also compared the diversity of the MF against the SF. The MF contained 10 species (five amphibians and five reptiles) and the SF seven (three amphibians and four reptiles), with similar dominance between sites. Unfortunately, some forest and riparian species have vanished at this elevation after an enigmatic decline; according to historical literature pristine areas should contain higher species richness. Perhaps, the secondary forest will provide an available habitat for an important percentage of the remaining forest species.