Summary: | A group or twenty ca ses or class IV or New York Hearl Assiciation Classification is reported. T hey were selected among 55 ca ses of mitral valve'10 :; JJj'[ ' ~ J i l l ; J "J() ff1 Ii rll l'li %J1 %:J '/J ; ~1 ?idJ bru: b:;ib -: Jr I'Ji lJ;q :J':.nrlT . JrI'JrrJ'J'Jlil q ':,f[ /Jw[ ' ~ I ;': J ; l q o I I J'l [ I i'1 biq% lJ :Ji•IT x l'; r1 Jo'lo lJ;r!J rlJ i 1/ ;-lm o f[;'-'JTIO') rbid'll "II (, I 10 be car ried out in seven cases. In lWO cases. reported in detail. two commissurcs and ring had to be repaired. The nature of pathology was organic and fu nctional while in the rcmaininu-live cases it was onl.v functional. None or the cases required tricuspid valve replacement. Wc believe that tricuspid va lvuloplasty has a n importa nt position in heart surgery and should not be underestimated . Also. we conclude that no patient should be denied 0PCI1 ion on the basis or the severity or his d isease unless ad vanced co ronal)' di sease or primary myocardiac d isease arc also in volved.