Summary: | The article analyzes the problem of the «anti-Soviet» and «Soviet» groups of support in Soviet Ukraine during the crop failure, famine 1928–1929 and he substantiates the conclusion that although the existing documents and materials do not allow to clearly define the quantitative parameters of these assets, we can assume that the ratio between them in the study period was not in favor of the latter. We can displace attention on distribution among the different categories of population of Ukraine can be characterized as anti-soviet, pro-independent and anti-colonial. These last were predetermined by obvious unperception among worthy part of society of the soviet rulesystem, ephemerality of rights for Ukraine in the USSR and expressive dissatisfaction by power influences of the allied power on periphery. Repressive-punitive methods, that in Ukraine from the beginning of development of Stalin «revolution from above» had simultaneously both social and national, became basic means that power used for taming of negative political activity.