Summary: | The second decade of the twenty-first century, seduced by a new libertarian impulse for Latin America, allowed us to visualize that there are still at least three problems that prevent us from getting rid of the system of international domination: colonialism, capitalism and patriarchalism. Three forms of cultural hegemony that Boaventura de Sousa Santos calls fascism, since in all three cases; relations of violence and lack of interest for others are highlighted. The proposal of the present work is multiple. First, we intend to learn more about Latin American thinking that tries to talk about America from the roots of a denied culture. Second, we are interested in visualizing the research methodology used by Kusch to carry out his fieldwork, because she shows us that the voice of otherness is the spirit that guides the writing and conceptualizations of the philosopher. Third, the focus of interest will be placed on educational ecology, raised this aulical integration, from the active participation of educational subjects, and its articulation with possible strategies of training for a citizenship from a human rights perspective. Toward the end, we try to articulate these three points of interest: an epistemology organized around knowing South America and applicable to the field of the philosophy of education.