Summary: | A severely atrophied maxilla presents serious limitations for rehabilitation with osseointegrated implants. This study evaluated the biomechanical and long-term behavior of titanium hybrid-plates in atrophic maxilla rehabilitation with finite elements and probabilistic methodology. A three-dimensional finite element model based on a real clinical case was built to simulate an entirely edentulous maxilla with four plates. Each plate was deformed to become accustomed to the maxilla’s curvature. An axial force of 100 N was applied in the area where the prosthesis was adjusted in each plate. The von Mises stresses were obtained on the plates and principal stresses on maxilla. The difference in stress between the right and left HENGG-1 plates was 3%, while between the two HENGG-2 plates it was 2%, where HENGG means Highly Efficient No Graft Gear. A mean maximum value of 80 MPa in the plates’ region was obtained, which is a lower value than bone resorption stress. A probability cumulative function was computed. Mean fatigue life was 1,819,235 cycles. According to the results of this study, it was possible to conclude that this technique based on titanium hybrid-plates can be considered a viable alternative for atrophic maxilla rehabilitation, although more studies are necessary to corroborate the clinical results.