Summary:At the present stage of formation of innovative economy professional development of the employee becomes a point of refraction of the interests of the company, Corporation in which they operate, and the employee. The article considers the relationship of the concept of formation of human resources and corporate training, which is often seen as something separate, organized exclusively for the benefit of the business. The definition of corporate training, task lists, structure, advantages and disadvantages. Examples of systems of corporate training at Omsk enterprises, basic (corporate) departments, corporate universities, and resource centers. Considered in detail the interaction between enterprises and educational institutions. Statistics of participation of Omsk universities in the system of additional education, collected by the author. Attention is paid to the importance that corporate training and its individual methods, such as «learning by doing», has in the modern innovation economy. The result of the study is the inclusion of corporate training as one of the key elements of the modern formation of human resources.