Summary: | Background. The physical development features of young men from Gujarat
(India) have been studied, a comparative data analysis obtained with the anthropometric
characteristics of adolescents of other ethno-territorial groups has been carried
Materials and methods. The research material consisted of 147 Gujarat Indian
youths aged from 17 to 21 years old. Anthropometric examination was carried out
according to the method of V. V. Bunak with a standard set of anthropometric instruments.
The absolute anthropometric values were analyzed; the anthropometric
profile was studied by calculating indices.
Results. The study showed that the average height of Gujarat young men was
171,75 ± 0,50 cm, the body weight – 63,57 ± 1,17 kg, biacromial diameter – 39,80 ±
0,17 cm, the width of the pelvis – 26,70 ± 0,23 cm, the frontal diameter of the chest –
26,86 ± 0,18 cm, the circumference of the chest in the state of pause in breathing –
87,8 ± 0,68 cm. According to the Erisman index, the majority of Gujarat young men
(44,9 %) had a narrow chest. According to the Rees-Eisenck index, the asthenic type
was found in 47,6 %. According to the interpretation of the Pigne index, individuals
with asthenic (37,4 %) body type predominated among the Gujarat young men. According
to J. Tanner's index, it was revealed that andromorphic and mesomorphic
body types were found with almost the same frequency among young men of the
Gujarat people (48 % and 49 %). The body mass index showed that 51 % were of
normal body weight.
Conclusions. As a result of the study, it was revealed that young men of the Gujarat
young men aged from 17 to 21 years old mainly had an asthenic body type and
a narrow chest, while Penza and Krasnodar young men more often had a pyknic or
normosthenic body type and a wide chest. Body weight was defined as normal in
most cases among all groups. According to the index of gender dimorphism, andromorphy
prevailed in all groups, but between Krasnodar and Gujarat students’ gynecomorphy
was less common than in the Penza region.