Summary: | It is undeniable that the industrial society brought with values that release the woman what we consider and prefer to call “biological destiny”. This circumstance helped other speeches based on all the rights assurance and any citizen ends, in turn, generating an infi nite number of understandings that guided by the sexual freedom of women and the feminist discourse to which all are subject in modern times, promote a new conception of what is recognized by family. This modern family, therefore, can no longer be based on values such as marriage because it considers individual goods as aff ection and love. Now, recognizing the family as the result of a sentimental value, it is necessary to rethink the law that every woman has to choose whether or not the mothering and not be accused of neglect. The fact is that the theme justifi es a broad discussion of socio-political nature. However, the work is worthy, aft er brief remarks about the family, to discuss the legal refl ections on the right to deliver the child to adoption.