Summary: | La teoria de los precios explica la coordinacion entre los individuos a traves de un mecanismo externo a la pilitica y a la moral. Las corrientes walrasiana (neoclasica) y ricardiana (clasica)ofrecen las soluciones mas aceptadas. Este articulo expone los origenes y caracteristicas de dichas soluciones, revisa los debates que han sucitado, y analiza sus limitaciones, y concluye que la teoria aun no es satisfactoria.<br>Price theories explain coordination between individuals by means of a mechanism external to politics and morality. The Walrasian (Neoclassical) and Ricardian (Classical) approaches offer the most widely accepted solutions. This article presents the origins and characteristics of these solutions, reviews the debates they have provoked, and analyzes their limitations, concluding that the theoryis still not satisfactory.